Aug 24 2011

Middle class retirement now largely a postcard fantasy – How Wall Street fabricated a buy and hold fairytale and jumped ship with taxpayer golden parachutes. Did baby boomers think about who they would be selling those 401k and pension stocks to?

The days of dreaming about long days playing golf on a green course and taking luxurious cruises around the world are appearing more and more like a foggy memory for those in the middle class planning for retirement.  As Wall Street bankers and hedge fund managers rob the public blind, the mission statement sold to […]

Aug 17 2011

Middle class annihilation one penny at a time – 64 percent of Americans do not have adequate savings for an unexpected $1,000 expense. The crushing blow to income and household wealth.

The American middle class is furious and this is reflected in how people perceive their failed government but also a financial system that has largely profited from the failures of millions.  A recent Gallup poll shows that only 13 percent of Americans actually approve of Congress and the way they are handling their job.  This […]

Aug 8 2011

Federal Reserve openly targets dollar demise – U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve solution to economic crisis is to crush dollar and target the standard of living for American families.

The collapse of the global stock markets was something that was supposed to happen if the debt ceiling wasn’t raised.  But here we are, seeing a sudden correction even after the debt ceiling was raised.  The Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury are actively trying to crush the U.S. dollar so the debts of their banking […]

Aug 1 2011

The Retirement fantasy – middle class Americans are quickly realizing that a secure retirement future may only be a myth. Stagnant income, debt illusion, and the future outlook for working Americans.

Americans are having a tougher time finding extra disposable income to save and create wealth.  It is hard to plan for the future when you are worrying about having enough money to purchase a couple of frozen meals.  When looking at overall statistics we rarely get a glimpse at how tough things have become for […]

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