Aug 3 2011

The 20 year financial depression in American real estate. Why housing will remain a poor investment well into 2020.

The American housing market is floundering like a fish out of water.  The economy is puttering along as middle class Americans confront a quality of life that is declining.  Household incomes have fallen for well over a decade yet the dialogue from Wall Street and their political partners seems to focus on home prices rising.  […]

Apr 6 2011

The new Gilded Age – The psychology behind the aspirational rich in America and how people allow banks to swindle their financial security away.

A couple of weeks ago a survey of the ultra-rich by Fidelity Investments showed that most of these millionaires did not feel rich unless they had $7.5 million.  Keep in mind that one out of three Americans do not have one penny to their name, not even stashed in the beat up mattress.  It is […]

Feb 15 2011

Collective financial insanity – FDIC backing $5.4 trillion in total deposits on pure faith – US banking operating with negative deposit insurance fund and massive debt leverage. The greatest Ponzi scheme known in the financial world.

People psychologically are programmed to believe in financial realities that benefit their own cause even if they have no merit in empirical data.  Many also forget that banks, especially the investment kind have a notorious track record of running amok when allowed to.  The FDIC and US banking is a perfect example of a system […]

Dec 21 2010

Las Vegas is to the real estate bubble what Detroit was to the US automobile industry – Empty condo projects, apartments poorly built to face the desert sun, and the collapse of commercial real estate.

If Wall Street is the hub of American finance then Las Vegas was the manifestation of credit dreams going viral.  Las Vegas, the beating heart of Nevada had a tremendous boom with the real estate bubble because it played into the narrative of making it big.  Where else can unknowns strike it big and have […]

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