Jul 25 2010

Broken financial generations – U.S. households only have a median of $2,000 saved in retirement accounts. The median net worth for those 25 to 34 is $3,700. Which generation will support the economy going forward? Social Security beneficiaries make up 19 percent of all Americans.

I recently had a conversation with a retired neighbor, a former Navy vet who worked most of his life at a local grocery store.  I wouldn’t call him wealthy but he has his financial house in order; he paid off his home in the early 1990s, has no other debts, and lives well below his […]

Jun 29 2010

Stock market volatility reflects a weak economy and the end of a generational bull market. S&P 500 back to 1998 levels. Middle class thrown to the wolves in this stock market.

The economic crisis has ushered in the end of a generation long bull market.  Most average investors ignore the fact that heavy market volatility is a sign of an unhealthy stock market.  The stock market since the lows reached in 2009 has been on an unstoppable bull run.  Yet the real economy where most Americans […]

Jun 11 2010

The financial raid against the middle class – 9 of the 10 largest occupations in the U.S. have median wages between $8 per hour and $14per hour. The middle class is inheriting a new serfdom drowning in mountains of debt. The new two income trap.

The war against the middle class is silent and has grown since the recession started.  We don’t hear much about this because in large part, those falling out of the middle class don’t have the funds to purchase airtime with the media who is wedded to Wall Street.  40 million Americans now receive food assistance.  […]

May 30 2010

The great American debt purge – Americans more stressed out about debt. Mortgage, credit card, student loan, and auto loan debt up to $13.5 trillion. Average debt per household at over $120,000.

Every man, woman, and child would owe an average of $43,000 if we divided up mortgage, credit card, student, and auto debt in the United States.  Of course, this is based on the current population of 309 million.  But we know this isn’t exactly accurate since an infant really didn’t charge up a credit card […]

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