May 4 2010

Middle class getting pushed into poverty and working poor status – The cloaked recovery for the middle class. How 30 percent of the poor are unemployed.

Over 6.5 million of the 15 million unemployed Americans have been out of work for 27 weeks or more.  As a percent, this is the highest number of long-term unemployed we have had since the Great Depression.  What is not discussed in this recession is the working poor and middle class have taken on the […]

Apr 8 2010

State and Local Budget Crisis Black Swan – California paying out $100 Million per Day in Unemployment Insurance. Detroit’s Shrinking Population Crushes Revenues. The Employment Situation at a Micro Level.

One stunning statistic that hit this week regards California’s unemployment insurance claims being paid out.  California is paying out some $100 million per day in unemployment benefits.  I’m not sure if I would call it a “benefit” but more as a buffer to get by.  In reality if we really want to get a pulse […]

Mar 30 2010

Real Estate Still Overpriced in California in many Markets and Paying your Mortgage with Unemployment Benefits – Examining Housing Values through Employment and Local Market Trends. Los Angeles has a 4.4 Income to Home Price Ratio even after a 42 Percent Price Decline.

As housing prices have collapsed from their halcyon bubble peak, many are peering out into the foreclosure landscape that is the current U.S. real estate market and are wondering if prices now fall in line with economic fundamentals.  The problem in many areas across the U.S. isn’t so much with housing prices but actual employment […]

Mar 23 2010

How the Middle Class Slowly Evaporated in the Last 40 Years – Loss of Manufacturing, Bank Deregulation, Hyper Consumption, and Short-term Profit Seeking from Wall Street.

Some like to think that the middle class has always been a fixture of American society.  In fact, the rise of a steady and strong middle class didn’t happen until after World War II.  Clearly people can’t look at the economically painful Great Depression, which rampaged the nation from 1929 to 1939 as a good […]

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