Aug 8 2011

Federal Reserve openly targets dollar demise – U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve solution to economic crisis is to crush dollar and target the standard of living for American families.

The collapse of the global stock markets was something that was supposed to happen if the debt ceiling wasn’t raised.  But here we are, seeing a sudden correction even after the debt ceiling was raised.  The Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury are actively trying to crush the U.S. dollar so the debts of their banking […]

Aug 3 2011

The 20 year financial depression in American real estate. Why housing will remain a poor investment well into 2020.

The American housing market is floundering like a fish out of water.  The economy is puttering along as middle class Americans confront a quality of life that is declining.  Household incomes have fallen for well over a decade yet the dialogue from Wall Street and their political partners seems to focus on home prices rising.  […]

Jul 29 2011

No debt ceiling for the Federal Reserve and too big to fail banks – The double standard of American banking and opaque Federal Reserve policy.

While the American public is staring at a government that is more like an improv act in Chicago, the banking system continues to hide toxic assets from the view of the public.  An odd economic dance is taking place.  While the public is being beaten over the head about spending within its limits we have […]

Jul 27 2011

How to spend $9 trillion in 10 years. How in the financial world did we end up with over $14 trillion in Federal government debt?

If we do a slow rewind back to 2001 U.S. debt stood at $5.8 trillion.  This today would seem like a bargain.  So how in the world did we end up with the current $14.3 trillion figure in a matter of ten years?  People like to ignore history but if you don’t know where your […]

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