Oct 29 2008

Massive Market Volatility is not a Good Thing! Biggest Percent Gains and Losses Occur in Economic Crisis.

I am amazed at how many people think that suddenly with a 10 percent gain on Monday that somehow the market is now in good shape.  This could not be further from the truth.  Massive percentage swings occur during economic turbulent times.  You do not want to see 10 percent up or 10 percent down days.  What you do want to see is a market that is steadily moving up based on earnings reports and an economy that is growing at a healthy pace.

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Oct 17 2008

Joe the Plumber Salary: How to Live Like you Make $250,000 when you only make $40,000 a year. Republican Pipe Dream Machine at Work.

I know many of you are sick of hearing about Joe the deadbeat plumber but it warrants a full budget article because “Joe” is simply a symbol of the Republican machine of being for the everyman.  In essence, this Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher stopped Senator Obama in Ohio to ask him a question about taxes.  The way the question was worded, he had setup a scenario where he would be owning a business making $250,000+ a year trying to lure Senator Obama in answering his question.  Obama answered the question and actually gave this guy more respect than he should have.

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Oct 11 2008

Freddie and Fannie to Buy $40 Billion a Month in Toxic Sub-prime and Alt-A Mortgages.

This is actually breaking news that has the potential to really destroy the U.S. taxpayer.  There is a report out by Bloomberg and now being reported by CBS MarkeWatch that Federal regulators are going to order Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to start buying $40 billion a month in troubled mortgages each month.  Keep in mind this is money on top of the $700 billion that is allocated in the bailout package just singed a few days ago:

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