Nov 15 2014

Winging it through retirement: 30 percent of Americans have no retirement savings.

Planning for retirement does not happen overnight.  You need to diligently plan and sock away savings like a squirrel stocking up for the season.  Many Americans have no retirement savings and more troubling, many near retirement face a compressed timeline where they will need to save or face a massive decline in living standards in […]

Aug 23 2014

New definition of retirement = work until you die: Half of Americans have little to no savings for what will likely be a long and drawn out retirement.

The ideal vision of retirement is one of constant leisure supported by a sizable nest egg. Building a nest egg takes decades of discipline and careful planning. Unfortunately, many Americans did not adequately prepare and combined with the casino like financial system, many have been washed out of the system. Many retiring baby boomers are […]

Nov 22 2013

The new American retirement nightmare: Many Americans find they are completely unprepared for retirement.

Starting in late 2010, we reached a threshold where baby boomers were reaching the age of 65 at a rate of 10,000 per day.  This will last into 2030.  What was once thought of as a retirement age is no longer the case.  The body has not evolved to adapt to financial circumstances but people […]

Sep 14 2013

Pension disaster looms over the horizon: In 1980 60 percent of Americas participated in a pension program. Today it is less than 10 percent and the amount saved for retirement is startling.

Americans are on the verge of a retirement disaster.  As pension plans slowly go extinct Americans are not saving enough for retirement.  The figures point to a looming pension and retirement disaster.  Retirement for most Americans is largely a mirage.  As organizations switched from pensions to 401ks it was expected that most Americans would save […]

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