Aug 17 2012

Healthcare jobs expand servicing many older Americans with little to no savings – Since the recession started top employment fields related to healthcare. Over 10 million Americans no longer in the labor force.

Get used to sluggish growth.  Although the political season is in full force and every candidate is promising you unicorns and roads to utopia if you vote for them, the reality is we have some built in challenges that neither party can easily fix.  The unemployment rate has trickled lower thanks to lower wage jobs […]

Aug 10 2012

Long live the debt ceiling – approaching the fiscal cliff by spending $1 trillion more than is being taken in. A breakdown of government spending and revenues.

History does love to repeat itself especially when it comes to debt bubbles.  At the rate the US government is burning through money, we are likely to breach the debt ceiling limit even before we enter 2013.  We’re about $400 billion away from the $16.39 trillion limit but considering we’ve already spent $700+ billion that […]

Aug 5 2012

The other side of persistently high unemployment – Underemployment rate shoots up to 15 percent but is actually more problematic because of the civilian employment-population ratio.

Spending time examining the employment report shows continuing trends that appear beyond the headline figures.  The number of Americans unemployed or marginally attached to the work-force increased to 15 percent and appears to be a new staple of our current workforce.  A key data point is the civilian employment-population ratio that shows a continuing drop.  […]

Jul 7 2012

The four horsemen of the sluggish economy – Total credit market debt above $55 trillion, few jobs for many unemployed, the student debt bubble, and long-term compression of wages.

The US economy is facing tremendous financial hurdles in the years to come.  The current market is being held together by a flood of debt that is masking underlying issues.  Total credit market debt is many times larger than our annual GDP.  Student loan debt continues to expand unabated even though the return-on-investment for many […]

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