Aug 20 2016

The wealthiest 10% hold 76% of the wealth: The rich continue to pull away from the rest of the crowd.

Wealth in the U.S. continues to accumulate into fewer hands.  A recent Congressional Budget Office report showed that the top 10% of U.S. families now control 76% of total wealth.  That is a massive amount considering total family wealth is at $67 trillion.  Wealth inequality continues to expand and is creating deeper divides in our […]

May 8 2016

34% of all Americans financially support the rest of the country – 112 million private sector workers support 211 million people.

The latest employment report was lackluster.  The math on the employment numbers has concealed a deeper problem in the economy.  Many Americans are struggling and the middle class continues to lose ground.  The most startling figure coming out was that 562,000 people dropped out of the labor force.  While there is a bit more information […]

Feb 17 2016

Percent of Total Wealth Owned in the United States: Bottom 40% control -0.9% Meaning Close to Half the Country has a Negative Net Worth.

Wealth is an important measure of financial stability and success.  Being able to have enough set aside for a rainy day can make the difference between weathering a minor storm to being in full upheaval because of an unexpected expense.  Most Americans however live paycheck to paycheck.  There is no emergency fund.  It is troubling […]

Jan 29 2016

Unsocial Insecurity: Social Security Fund loses money for the first time since 1983. The new retirement model will have you working until you fall over from a heart attack.

Social Security was never designed as a long-term pension.  It was implemented in 1935 during the Great Depression to assist families from falling into absolute poverty.  The large work force dominated by men usually meant that many would die and leave a large family behind with no financial resources.  Social Security was there to protect […]

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