Aug 14 2010

Jobs for middle class expansion are long gone – The struggles to create jobs that will create a vibrant middle class have vanished under the foot of banking dominance.

Most Americans realize that having a job is a prerequisite to gaining entrance into the middle class.  If you work hard enough, chances are you would have access to some of the things promised to the middle class; access to affordable housing, a good education, and the ability for some sort of retirement.  That ideal […]

Aug 10 2010

The great American un-recovery: Banking failures and swindling the wealth from working and middle class Americans. Household assets off by $11 trillion from 2007 peak.

The economic profession and bankers on Wall Street have taken a hit to their credibility with missing the biggest recession since the Great Depression.  It is understandable for the average person on the street to miss something as nuanced as a tiny recession but for a group of professionals whose mission statement involves understanding the […]

Aug 6 2010

Middle class in shambles – more debt, more job losses, more deceit. Banks attempt final push to break up the middle class. Housing values down by 30 percent but total household debt only down by 2 percent.

On Friday the grim reality of more job losses for Americans was plastered across headlines.  What makes this even more distressing is this is occurring during what is supposed to be a recovery.  Yet most Americans realize that there is no recovery outside of Wall Street.  If anything, things have gotten progressively worse as foreclosures […]

Aug 3 2010

Commercial real estate maturities will peak in 2012 – $350 billion in loans coming due and hundreds of additional bank failures. Bank lending in the CRE market collapsing.

The commercial real estate disaster is sinking banks on a weekly basis.  Talk of a V-shape recovery is now largely a moot point since we are past the point of a quick and strong recovery.  The question now revolves around what we are going to face for the next few years.  Commercial real estate really […]

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