Nov 27 2015

Are Millennials as broke as the media says they are? The answer is a resounding yes for the following reasons.

If you type in “characteristics of the Millennial generation” into trusty Google you will find a list of interesting headlines.  Some of the titles given to Millennials are: Generation Y, Generation WE, The Boomerang Generation, and The Peter Pan Generation.  Part of this stems from the way many were raised by baby boomers who were […]

Nov 22 2015

The young carry the weight of student debt: Of the more than $1.3 trillion in student debt outstanding over 66 percent is carried by those 39 and younger.

The compounding problems with student debt are getting louder as each year passes by.  Student debt outstanding is now at a whopping $1.3 trillion and most of this is being carried by young Americans.  While college costs have soared for most many recent college graduates are working in jobs were wages are low.  This has […]

Nov 18 2015

What the heck? U.S. Public Debt up $518 billion in November alone: U.S. debt ceiling made of toilet paper.

You might remember that back in March, we hit our debt ceiling limit.  The amount registering on the U.S. Treasury Department website was stuck at roughly $18.15 trillion.  Of course given our addiction to spending and debt, we simply charged all new spending off the books.  We as a country have a deeply rooted addiction […]

Nov 13 2015

100 American CEOs have more retirement wealth than 116 million Americans. The retirement divide grows larger each year.

Most Americans have no retirement strategy.  In fact, the new model of retirement appears to be work until you die.  It isn’t an uncommon model.  In fact, this used to be the status quo for centuries on end.  Some tend to believe that having a middle class is the natural order of things.  That is […]

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