Oct 13 2010

The hidden gigantic risk of derivatives – Top 77 U.S. banks have their hand in $225 trillion in derivatives. The top 5 banks hold $7.8 trillion of all banking assets growing their asset base by $1.7 trillion from 2007.

The concentration of banking risk in the United States is immense.  The Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury like to convey a pretense that we have a very diverse banking system with over 7,800 banking institutions.  In the mind of most of the public, this seems like a very diverse industry.  Imagine having 7,800 different kinds […]

Oct 11 2010

Will the U.S. face a generation of underperforming housing values? It happened from 1915 to 1945 and the current trend is not looking favorable. Current U.S. housing values over priced by 30 percent.

It is hard to imagine a time in U.S. history when housing was actually perceived as cheap for an entire generation.  Yet this is the exact experience that occurred from 1915 to 1945.  Home values were cheap in relative inflation adjusted terms.  Even after 1945, homes were still affordable and this is where the seeds […]

Oct 9 2010

Bank of America has $2.3 trillion in assets but $956 billion of that is made up in loans. Think those loans are valued at current market levels? The FDIC would have a challenge even breaking up one too big to fail bank.

The FDIC has a herculean challenge in confronting the too big to fail banks.  There is little doubt that having institutions that are too big is part of the reason for the current systemic crisis.  Yet through the last few years the solution has been to make these banks even bigger allowing their web to […]

Oct 2 2010

The housing documents mess – Why banks are carelessly rushing foreclosures in Florida and not in California. Mortgage foreclosure deficiency judgments.

In the last few weeks the issue has come to the table that in some states, in particular Florida, banks are rushing through the foreclosure process so quickly that they have mismanaged the paperwork process.  Apparently the same forged paperwork that got people with very little income into highly leveraged properties is now working in […]

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