Feb 19 2014

Why the stock market is a sham for regular investors – Based on historical price to earnings ratios the stock market is overvalued by fifty percent. Only half of Americans own any stocks.

The stock market is largely seen as a barometer of economic health to the US economy.  Turn on any business program and they report market prices as if reporting on it being a sunny or cloudy day.  The financial markets are fully juiced on our current debt based system.  Unfortunately it is taking more debt […]

Feb 2 2014

The EBT recovery – Food stamp cuts impact Wal-Mart: The consequences of a low wage recovery create a larger group of Americans living food stamp to food stamp.

This recovery is the most lopsided recovery the US has faced in more than a generation.  Wal-Mart recently announced a big hit to their bottom-line because of the recent cuts to the nationwide food stamp program.  Over 47 million Americans now depend on food stamps to get by on a monthly basis to feed their […]

Jan 23 2014

The acceleration of a global Gilded Age: Half of the world’s wealth now owned by one percent of the population. Bottom half of world population own the same as the richest 85 people in the world.

Wealth inequality across the globe has reached epic proportions.  While many bankers roll around in piles of digital million dollar bonuses for basically adding no value to the economy, the rest of the world struggles to enter this modern economic era.  The perception is that this is only happening across the world in other nations.  […]

Jan 18 2014

The biggest export from America? The middle class. The tradeoff for cheap goods and financial cronyism is coming back in a big way.

There is always a tradeoff in economics.  The adage about a free lunch comes to mind to the rise of low wage capitalism in America.  It is a complicated web driven by financial cronyism and a system largely driven by ignoring the plight of the working class.  The story of US manufacturing is probably one […]

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