Jun 4 2009

Credit Card Debt Obsession: Americans Unwilling to Give up Plastic. Bankruptcies and the Credit Card Addiction.

The banking crisis with mortgages at the center, has taken much of the economic headline news over the past two years.  Yet there is a brewing problem in the credit card markets.  Credit card debt is now becoming another bubble itching to burst.  The meteoric rise in bankruptcies is simply a reflection that Americans have […]

Feb 5 2009

Government Employment and Bankrupt City: Federal and State Government were Last Secure Employment Sectors. Financial and Economic Contraction.

States across the country are facing unprecedented budget shortfalls.  A total of 44 states face budget shortfalls, which for all practical purposes puts the entire country in a uniform crisis.  The state of California is in a state of fiscal panic.  Currently the state faces a $42 billion budget deficit and the State Controller has […]

Jan 29 2009

Cram Downs: A Bad Bank and Cram Downs are Diametrically Opposed Ideas.

While the market is intrigued by the nearly $1 trillion fiscal stimulus plan, a mortgage cram down bill has already passed the House.  It is amazing that it has taken this long to even get this thing going if the true premise of the politicians and policy makers was to save homeowners from losing their […]

Jan 20 2009

Bankrupt Consumer: Chapter 7 Bankruptcies up. Credit Card and Consumer Credit Crisis: Americans were Using Consumer Credit as a Lifeline and it is now drying Up Pushing Bankruptcies Upward. $2.5 Trillion in Loans at Risk.

Credit cards have been around for many years with Bank of America creating the BankAmericard in 1958, which eventually evolved into the modern day Visa system.  MasterCard has been around since 1966 and received significant backing from Citibank.  These names are familiar with the current credit crisis.  Credit cards have been one component of the […]

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