Jul 1 2011

College education becomes a predator’s lounge for Wall Street and the government – Since 2000 the real cost of college is up by 23 percent yet the real earnings of college graduates is down by 11 percent.

The cost of going to college seems to defy the rules of fundamental economics and basic gravity.  Over the last decade the real earnings of college graduates has fallen yet the cost of a four year education continues to go up almost oblivious to this fact.  These kinds of dislocations in markets typically signify bubbles […]

Apr 5 2010

What does it mean to be Middle Class in 2010? – No College Degree, Massive Amounts of Debt, One Health Crisis from Bankruptcy, and Beholden to the Banking Elite.

Being middle class today does not carry the financial security that it once carried in the 1950s and 1960s.  Interestingly enough, many Americans at that time did not own stocks yet somehow they managed well because they had access to affordable housing without toxic mortgages and many had the ability to work with one company […]

