Dec 20 2014

Dollar Store Nation: Largest percentage of Americans on food stamps while stock market disconnects from working class Americans.

While the stock market whipsaws like a rollercoaster, many Americans only see one tiny benefit to their bottom line.  The massive drop in oil prices will add a few extra dollars into the wallets of Americans just in time for the holiday shopping season.  Many will only have the budget to shop at dollar stores […]

Jan 14 2014

When a dollar store is too expensive: Growing class of poor Americans unable to afford items at dollar stores.

You know things are tough when people face a challenge purchasing goods at dollar stores.  The dollar store economy has been robust for the last decade as the US economy has shed the weight of millions of middle class families.  As more people move down the economic ladder, these stores hit a critical niche.  I […]

Feb 17 2013

The difference between investing in the dollar store economy and living in it: 20 percent of Americans now receiving food stamps. Dollar stores become a growth industry and top one percent gobble up all income gains after recession.

Lost in the tireless cheerleading for the stock market which in reality, is largely a sophisticated sham for most Americans, we had a report from the Department of Agriculture that should put things into perspective.  In the latest release of data for November 2012 (released in February 2013), the report noted that 141,067 Americans were […]

Nov 2 2012

Dollar stores in million dollar neighborhoods. 99 Cents Store looking at Beverly Hills location in rise of the low-wage and high-wage economy. 1 out of 4 working Americans in low-wage work.

Whenever a jobs report comes out I always ask what kind of jobs are being added. There is a wide gap between skilled and unskilled labor building in this economy.  Those without the skills for select fields are being left behind to pickup jobs in the growing low-wage service sector.  It used to be the […]

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