May 13 2014

Is college worth a lifetime of debt? Student debt reaches critical tipping point at $1.2 trillion as annual price increases enter the moment of truth.

The cost of going to college has come into deep questioning. In our inflation addicted market, the answer to every question regarding affordability involves more debt. Can’t afford a home? How about taking on a massive mortgage with a small down payment. Can’t afford a car? How about a 0 percent 0 down loan. Having […]

Dec 25 2012

The most educated and indebted generation ever – Average student debt has tripled since 1990 while earnings have gone stagnant for college graduates. How much is the college rite of passage worth?

Most have very fond memories of their college going years.  Going off to college is one of the few rites of passage that we have in the United States ushering future generations into official adulthood.  Yet the cost to attend this passage has gotten astronomically expensive.  College has now turned into a very large business […]

