Jan 5 2013

American Gerontocracy: Since 2009 2.7 million jobs for those 16 to 55 have been lost yet 4 million jobs were added for those between 55 and 69.

It is still a tough time to be young and looking for work in the United States.  With the steady destruction of blue collar industries with living wages, many have to pursue a college degree for any chance at becoming middle class.  Yet higher education has become a debt plagued mess where students have to […]

Dec 18 2012

The erosion of purchasing power via inflation – Federal Reserve and the permanent portfolio.

Inflation has a subtle and quite way of eroding your purchasing power.  The process can unfold slowly and before you know it you suddenly wake up realizing your paycheck no longer stretches so far.  This is happening across the US in many ways.  Those on very tight budgets, especially those now on food stamps are […]

Nov 18 2012

Quantitative addiction and the allure of low interest rates – US paid $454 billion in interest payments alone in 2011. Equity in real estate for households cut in half.

Today I was looking at the total public debt outstanding and the current figure seems surreal.  The total public debt outstanding is now up to $16.27 trillion.  We’ve been on this path for many decades of spending more than we earn but the problem is we are reaching a peak debt situation.  It is hard […]

Nov 6 2012

A nation in the pangs of deleveraging – The long-term trend of a declining dollar and a collapsing middle class.

As Americans go out to vote many go blissfully unaware of the reality that our total public debt is now above $16.2 trillion.  If your only source of information was the mainstream press this fact rarely came up in any debates or journalistic investigations.  The discussion of stagnant household income never even came up in […]

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