Nov 17 2009

10 States with Underemployment Rates of 20+ Percent. Manufacturing Sector Employs Same Number of Workers that we did in 1940.

The average American family must look at the current stock market rally as some kind of cruel joke.  We have people anxiously waiting for government funds or paychecks to clear at the end of the month so they can wait outside of a Wal-Mart shopping center at midnight to buy food once their funds clear.  […]

Nov 12 2009

Lining up at Midnight at Wal-Mart to buy Food is part of the new Recovery. Banks offering Mattress Interest Rates. The Invisible Recovery Outside of Wall Street.

There seems to be a growing divide in the current U.S. economy.  On the one hand, you have the financial sector swimming in their bailout-induced profits like a modern day Scrooge Mcduck.  In their circles, it appears as if the recession is over.  On the other hand, you have average Americans seeing access to credit […]

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