Sep 12 2013

Modern day financial repression and disinformation: Financialization of America creates incentives for massive income inequality.

America in the last couple of decades has undergone a massive reformation when it comes to the financial system.  The ability to convert everything and anything into a tradable security has been the biggest goal of Wall Street and has captured our entire economy like a starving grizzly bear chowing down on Alaskan salmon.  Even […]

Aug 27 2013

Long live the reemergence of the FIRE economy: Over the last decade GDP is up $5.2 trillion while the total credit market debt owed is up $24.5 trillion.

The current economy is juiced on the rivers of easy debt.  An addiction that is only getting worse.  Want to go to college?  You’ll very likely go into deep student debt given the rise in college tuition.  Want a home?  Prices are soaring because of speculation but you’ll need a bigger mortgage to buy.  Want […]

Jul 30 2013

The American dream myth: Income mobility; 4 out of 5 Americans struggle with poverty, joblessness, or go on welfare at some point during their lives; and bottom 80 percent of Americans control 7 percent of total wealth.

There is an odd sort of Greek-like mythology that the American dream is only getting stronger when various pieces of economic data clearly show that this is not the case.  The middle class has noticeably shrunk over the past few decades.  Income inequality is at levels last seen during the wildly opulent Gilded Age.  We […]

Jul 15 2013

Part-time nation: What does it say when a vast portion of our society is now working at part-time jobs? 2013 scorecard: Minimum wage restaurant jobs added: 239,000. Manufacturing jobs added: 13,000.

One of the more troubling pieces of economic data I have seen is that excluding restaurant and bar employment, we are actually down nearly 2 million jobs in the private industry going back to the start of this long drawn out recession.  This is probably one of the narrowest recoveries in our nation’s history focused […]

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