Oct 1 2015

Wage Apocalypse for the American man: Typical male worker earned less in 2014 than in 1973.

The middle class destruction train is moving full steam ahead if we are to examine Census figures closely.  And the American male has a first-class ticket on this express train to wage destruction.  According to the recently released Census figures full-time working males are earning less than they did in 1973 adjusting for inflation.  Purchasing […]

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Sep 27 2015

The failed recovery in 9 charts: 9 charts highlighting the lackluster performance of the economy.

The mainstream press simply measures a recovery by looking at the stock market even though very little of the gains here are trickling down to regular families.  It should be noted that many Americans are frustrated with the economy because to them, it still feels like a recession.  Low-wages permeate the landscape, housing costs are […]

Sep 23 2015

The increasing odds that you will die working: The extinction of retirement and the growing old age labor force.

I was greeted by an older gentleman at a local Target store.  He slowly smiled and said hello.  I nodded and said hello as he proceeded to greet other shoppers.  Leaving the store I was greeted by an older cashier.  Over the last decade, the retail labor force is seeing a growing number of older […]

Sep 12 2015

The American Dream deferred: Looking at the 4 horsemen of middle class destruction. Student debt, household income, low wage jobs, and FIRE economy dominance.

The angst that is being manifested in the political arena is largely being brought on by economic uncertainty.  There is a general underlying anxiety of living in a United States with a weakened and invisible middle class.  We are heading directly into that scenario with both eyes fully wide open.  Many of the new jobs […]

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