Jul 21 2013

Arrested development courtesy of student debt: How student debt is putting the lives of many young Americans on hold.

Many young Americans view student debt as a necessary evil in pursuing higher education.  The level of student debt now reaches Himalayan levels as many are falling behind on keeping up with payments.  A double-edged sword has befallen young Americans.  First, the path to middle class jobs no longer runs through a blue collar industry […]

May 5 2013

The young, educated, and massively in debt college generation: Total student debt outstanding approaches $1.1 trillion. 65 percent of all outstanding student debt held by those 39 and younger.

It is interesting to hear older politicians take the podium and wax and wane poetically how young Americans are not working hard enough or need to take responsibility for their actions in the current economy.  The reality of the situation is the recent recession has punished the young disproportionately.  The young have seen their net […]

Feb 2 2013

Young riding out recession by going into debt for college: Millennial unemployment jumps by two percent.

As the animal spirits of the economy rage wild, there are still difficult challenges ahead for younger Americans.  While the stock market is up highlighting corporate euphoria, many companies are doing this with 4 million fewer workers.  So the economic recovery is not evenly distributed and they rarely are.  Yet younger Americans are still facing […]

Dec 25 2012

The most educated and indebted generation ever – Average student debt has tripled since 1990 while earnings have gone stagnant for college graduates. How much is the college rite of passage worth?

Most have very fond memories of their college going years.  Going off to college is one of the few rites of passage that we have in the United States ushering future generations into official adulthood.  Yet the cost to attend this passage has gotten astronomically expensive.  College has now turned into a very large business […]

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