Mar 22 2014

Quantitative Easing has been the fuel for rising inequality and welfare for the modern Gilded Age: President Fisher from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas mentions QE’s gift to the rich.

As the Fed begins to slightly ease up on Quantitative Easing the reality of the winners and losers is becoming more apparent.  QE was welfare for the wealthy and even President Fisher of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank hints at QE being a massive gift to boost wealth.  Well if we merely look at wealth […]

May 22 2010

America’s wealthiest 25 percent of households own 87 percent of all U.S. wealth. How the middle class face growing income inequality in the new era of the psychopath corporatocracy.

A true measure of economic vitality is measured by wealth.  We can look at incomes or other measures of productivity but real wealth is measured by net worth.  Who controls wealth in the U.S.?  According to a study from the Joint Center for Housing Studies the top 25% of U.S. households control 87% of all […]

Feb 3 2010

The Devaluation and Fight for Survival of the American Middle Class – How Three Decades has Shifted the Concentration of Financial Wealth to the top 1 Percent.

The American middle class ideal is lionized around the world.  It is the core of what has made this country great.  The land of opportunity and endless wealth so long as people worked hard enough.  It was an implicit contract workers made with this country.  Well that vision is now quickly coming under attack by […]

Jan 1 2010

How the Financially Connected Prospered in a Decade where Wealth Evaporated for the Majority: S&P 500 Down 24 Percent for the Decade, Real Home Values down 3%, U.S. Dollar down 23%, and Unemployment back to 1980 Levels.

As we usher in the New Year the filthy rich are counting their blessings and must be very appreciative of the massive bailouts that protected their wealth.  The top one percent of this country control 42 percent of all financial wealth so it shouldn’t come as any surprise that most of the bailouts went to […]

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