Feb 19 2014

Why the stock market is a sham for regular investors – Based on historical price to earnings ratios the stock market is overvalued by fifty percent. Only half of Americans own any stocks.

The stock market is largely seen as a barometer of economic health to the US economy.  Turn on any business program and they report market prices as if reporting on it being a sunny or cloudy day.  The financial markets are fully juiced on our current debt based system.  Unfortunately it is taking more debt […]

Jan 26 2014

Is the stock market overvalued by 50 percent? PE ratios out of sync with fundamentals underlying the economy. Not in labor force group in US increased by 15 percent since recession ended.

How quickly people forget financial history.  Those investing in the stock market since 2009 have grown accustomed to a market that only moves in one direction.  They are also addicted to a system built off crony financial leverage that has largely locked out the vast majority of the public.  This system has created wealth inequality […]

Mar 9 2013

Inflation eats away the new peak in stock market: Dow is down 11 percent since 2000 adjusting for inflation. Looking at the stock market and the impact of inflation.

The Dow has now reached a new peak.  The media is prancing up and down like a giddy school girl as if this had a significant impact on the bottom line for most Americans.  Don’t let the details out that many companies have increased their bottom line by squeezing wages and cutting worker benefits.  Yet […]

Feb 12 2013

Are stock investors coming back in at another debt induced peak? How regular stock investors are horrible at market timing.

The media is falling over itself with articles on how fantastic the stock market is.  The fact that the S&P 500 is now up from the March 2009 lows by over 100 percent seems to put the financial crisis in the annals of history.  Yet for most investors, the stock market is largely a casino.  […]

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