Jul 7 2015

You are being lied to about inflation. Latest CPI figures show nearly no inflation over the past year. Yet housing, tuition, and healthcare costs continue to soar.

Inflation.  Few people think about inflation but simply accept the reality that prices will go up.  However prices going up has a deeper economic reason than simply momentum.  Inflation is notorious at destroying your standard of living.  Our current financial system is now setup in a way to punish savers.  Most banks are offering near […]

Jul 4 2015

Non-working America soars by 640,000 in one month to new record of 93.6 million. Not in the labor force Americans up 11 million since 2010.

It is hard to believe that one out of every three Americans is financially supporting the other two-thirds.  The unemployment rate appears much lower than it is because of the odd math behind the labor force.  The latest unemployment rate of 5.3 percent sounds great until you realize that last month 640,000 Americans were plopped […]

Jun 30 2015

Top 4 employment sectors in the United States pay $10 an hour or less: The uneven recovery being led by low wage labor.

It is hard to believe but we are now “officially” six years into this recovery.  For most Americans, it doesn’t feel anything like a recovery and that label appears to be a misnomer.  Americans need only look at their paychecks and the cost of living to realize that yes, things are getting tougher.  There appears […]

Jun 26 2015

Is the Chinese stock market bubble finally bursting? Shanghai composite and Shenzhen composite down 7.4 and 7.9 percent respectively in one day.

The Chinese stock market has been one of the hottest tickets lately.  The US stock markets might seem overvalued but in comparison to China with relatively new financial checks and balances, the US looks like a conservative old timer.  Stocks in China are already deep into ridiculous pricing territory.  You have an army of uneducated […]

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