Jun 22 2015

How much do Americans earn in 2015? A comprehensive look at household income and individual earnings. GDP disconnects from household income.

How much do Americans earn?  This is an important question to ask given our consumption based economy.  Each household has a propensity to spend and the ability to consume is largely derived by income.  Debt has made it easier for households to spend future wages but we need to find out two important reference points […]

Jun 18 2015

Record number of too big to fail banks: 59 banks in the United States now have over $20 billion in assets. Top 3 US banks hold $6.3 trillion in assets.

Remember when too big to fail was being uttered like “good morning” or some other daily phrase?  Apparently people have forgotten about the dangers of too big to fail and have allowed the banking system to grow like weeds in an unattended garden.  The previous peak of massive big banks was in 2004 when we […]

Jun 15 2015

The looming retirement crisis: 10,000 baby boomers a day turn 65 and most are inadequately prepared for retirement. Half of elderly Americans in poverty without Social Security.

There is a very common number that is thrown out regarding baby boomers and retirement.  We consistently hear that every day 10,000 baby boomers hit the typical retirement age of 65.  This trend is expected to go out until 2030.  What is troubling with this narrative is the assumption that most have enough funds to […]

Jun 11 2015

Is college worth the 172 percent price increase over the last 9 years? The cognitive dissonance between rising tuition and falling wages.

$1.36 trillion.  That should sound like a lot of money because it is.  How much is $1.36 trillion?  Texas has an annual Gross Domestic Product of $1.4 trillion.  $1.36 trillion is the amount of student debt that is attached to millions of Americans like a financial albatross.  There is an ugly thing about this unrelenting […]

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