Feb 12 2013

Are stock investors coming back in at another debt induced peak? How regular stock investors are horrible at market timing.

The media is falling over itself with articles on how fantastic the stock market is.  The fact that the S&P 500 is now up from the March 2009 lows by over 100 percent seems to put the financial crisis in the annals of history.  Yet for most investors, the stock market is largely a casino.  […]

Feb 2 2013

Young riding out recession by going into debt for college: Millennial unemployment jumps by two percent.

As the animal spirits of the economy rage wild, there are still difficult challenges ahead for younger Americans.  While the stock market is up highlighting corporate euphoria, many companies are doing this with 4 million fewer workers.  So the economic recovery is not evenly distributed and they rarely are.  Yet younger Americans are still facing […]

Jan 18 2013

Is the stock market a sham for the middle class? Retail investors expected to pull out $475 billion in funds. Volatility index under pricing real risks.

The stock market is largely a source of entertainment or awe for most Americans instead of being a true source of wealth.  In the United States roughly 42 percent of all financial wealth is aggregated with one percent of the population.  One third of Americans have no savings at all so for this group, the […]

Jan 12 2013

US median household income trap: Four decades of data and households struggling to keep up with inflation. Younger Americans face bigger income struggles.

Household income growth in the US has largely been absent for well over a decade if we adjust for inflation.  This is important because people truly care about what their money can purchase.  What use is it getting a $1 raise if healthcare went up $2?  What use is it that you are earning $1,000 […]

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